Since it is Wednesday again, it is time to link up with Jenn for What I ate Wednesday!

Spooky Snacks and Healthy Halloween Treats

Since The Fresh Market Roseville Sneak Peek event took up yesterday’s post, I have a lot to cram into today’s, including some new recipes that I am excited to share!

The past few days I have enjoyed a new creation for lunch: egg whites in a mug over a bed of spinach, topped with either avocado and salsa, or cherry tomatoes, avocado and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar. It is so yummy and SO satisfying, keeping me full for a long time! I have made it everyday for the past three days (except today); I can’t get enough!

So satisfying!

Since it was chilly and raining this morning (finally feeling like Fall!), I felt like making a bowl of No Oat Oatmeal, except with a different twist. I was going to make it for breakfast, but Keenan had swim class this morning, so we ate our “usual” (with Love Grown Granola that I received from winning Giselle’s giveaway) to get out the door quickly.

Love Grown gluten free granola!

The usual with Love Grown Granola added!

For lunch today, I gave Keenan a choice of oatmeal or a tuna melt and he chose oatmeal, so I made my new creation, Loaded Pumpkin Protein No Oat Oatmeal! It was SOOOO good and Keenan licked every last morsel in his bowl, so he certainly liked it! I’ll definitely be making this again, sooner rather than later! Here is the recipe (similar to my regular one, but with a few different things added):

Loaded with protein and so satisfying!

Loaded Pumpkin Protein No Oat Oatmeal (serves 1)


– 3/4 cup egg whites

– 1/4 cup pumpkin puree

– 1/2 cup spinach (chopped finely)

– 1/4 cup milk (any kind, i.e. non-dairy is fine)

– 1 Tbsp flaxseed (ground)

– 1 Tbsp chia seeds

– 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder

– 1 tsp vanilla

– 1/2 tsp cinnamon

– 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice

– 1 tsp honey


1. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl and transfer to a small sauce pot.

2. Cook on the stove on medium heat, constantly stirring, to make sure the bottom doesn’t burn.

3. Cook until it reaches a thick consistency like oatmeal.

4. Top with a scoop of almond butter and enjoy!

As you can see, Keenan sure enjoyed his bowl of Loaded Pumpkin Protein No Oat Oatmeal!

Before I forget, here is the recipe for our Roasted Beet Salad that we ate on Monday night, thanks to my husband for making it!

Such a yummy salad!

Roasted Beet Salad with Goat Cheese: (serves 2)



– 2 bunches of beets (trimmed and scrubbed)

-1 red onion (sliced)

– 4 oz. of goat cheese

– 6-8 oz. of cooked chicken (chopped)

– 1/4 cup roasted pine nuts

– 1/2 head of romaine lettuce (roughly torn)


– 1/2 tsp honey

– 1/2 tsp brown mustard

– garlic (finely minced)

– 1 tsp of herbs of your choice

– 2-3 Tbsp of vinegar (balsamic, red wine or champagne) to taste

– 1-2 Tbsp olive oil

– pinch of salt and pepper


1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

2. Trim and scrub beets, Place them in a crimped foil packet with a little drizzle of olive oil. Roast in the oven for about an hour (until tender).

3. Remove beets from oven and let sit for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, open packet and let beets cool enough to handle.

4. Rub skins off of beets (paper towels help) and cut into chunks and place in a large bowl.

5. Add sliced onion, lettuce, chicken and pine nuts to the beets.

6. Meanwhile, to make the dressing, toss all ingredients in a small bowl or salad dressing container and mix.

7. Pour dressing over salad and toss.

8. Divide salad amongst two plates and top with goat cheese. Enjoy!

*Notes: You can use any kind of salad greens, such as spinach, arugula or red leaf lettuce. We just had romaine on hand. Also, if you don’t have pine nuts, roasted walnuts would also be good!

Freshly roasted beets (before they were peeled).

Well, Keenan is waking up, so it is time to get ready for CrossFit. Oh, by the way, I PR’d (personal best) on power cleans on Monday. My 1 RM (one rep max) was 125 lbs, 10 pounds heavier than my previous 1RM! I was really hoping to get 135 lbs, but I just couldn’t get under the weight (though, I was really close!). Anyhow, I’m still a little sore from doing thrusters, box jumps and hollow rocks yesterday, so we’ll see how today’s WOD goes!

Since my husband is still out of town, I’m making a BIG salad for dinner tonight, whoohoo!! I am thinking of going with an “everything but the kitchen sink” salad, but we’ll see. Oh and tomorrow night, I am going to another blogging event; I’m so excited! I’ll fill you in on more details later! Have a great afternoon!

Oh, and I have to share this picture of Keenan in his new fire truck PJ’s (thanks to Nonna!). He loves wearing them so much, that he refuses to take them off when we leave the house! He literally holds onto his shirt, it’s too funny!

He kept asking me to take his picture this morning, but when I did, he didn’t want to smile!

Questions: What were your eats today? Have you tried any new recipes lately? If so, what did you try? I have been in an experimenting mood with new dishes and meals lately, so look for more new recipes to come soon!