Happy Hump Day!

It has been a couple of weeks since I did a What I Ate Wednesday post, so I’m excited to link up with Jenn at Peas and Crayons again to share some of our delicious eats from our belated anniversary getaway this past weekend!

Peas and Crayons

We started the weekend off with one of our favorites, a little “Italian picnic,” as we like to call it. In the mix was salami (uncured with no nitrites that I was SO excited to find!!), a wonderful cheese made with a mix of cow’s and sheep’s milk), Raincoast Crisps salted almond and date crackers, marinated artichokes and a kalamata olive and fig spread. It was delicious, but it would have tasted even better with a glass of red wine!

Italian picnic

On Saturday morning, we made french toast with some of my whole wheat banana nut bread that I made last week, along with some uncured bacon and raspberries. It was so good; the picture doesn’t do it justice!

Whole wheat banana nut french toast

That night, we treated ourselves to a rib-eye steak that we shared. My husband cooked it perfectly, along with some roasted rosemary potatoes and sauteed mushrooms and onions. It was one of the most satisfying meals I’ve had in a long time, especially since I’ve been craving red meat the past couple of weeks!

Rib-eye steak

On Sunday morning, we met some friends for brunch at this qute little cafe within walking distance of the house we stayed at. My husband I split the squash blossom quesadillas with eggs (sunny side up) and salsa verde on top. On the side were the cafe’s signature potatoes. It was heavenly! wish I took a picture, but we ate it all before I remembered. Sorry!

Sunday night, my husband made burgers using grass fed organic beef and I made a nice green salad to go with it. It was the perfect dinner to end our lovely weekend!


In between all of the meals, we certainly did our share of snacking on kettle corn, nuts and leftover cheese and crackers, all of which were eaten without any pictures!

Oh, and I can’t forget to include this picture of my crazy husband drinking his iced coffee out of the large Pyrex measuring cup on Monday morning before we left! He didn’t want to wash any extra dishes!

Drinking iced coffee

That’s it for today. It’s time to start some cleaning while Keenan is in preschool! YAY (not really)!

What were some of your eats from this past weekend?

What have you enjoyed eating today?