Happy Hump Day and Happy Birthday to the most beautiful and caring person I know, my mom! I’m up bright and early this morning to write my post (while my husband and Keenan are still sleeping), since we are driving down to take my mom out for lunch, and I still need to run a few errands, pack for our extended getaway, head to CrossFit and train my client tonight. It is a busy day ahead, but a fun one!

Since it is Wednesday, it is time for another edition of What I Ate Wednesday, thanks to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting.

Peas and Crayons

Here are my eats from the past couple of days:


– Leftover Paleo Almond Blueberry Pancakes

Sooo good and they freeze well too!

Sooo good and they freeze well, too!


– Turkey rolls

Still one of my favorite lunches!

Still one of my favorite lunches!

-Leftover spaghetti squash mixed with pasta sauce, chicken, tomato and avocado

Though it doesn't look pretty, it was a really satisfying lunch!

Though it doesn’t look pretty, it was a really satisfying lunch!


Paleo Flourless Chocolate Chip Cookies

Keenan enjoyed eating the last cookie for his snack yesterday!

Keenan and I enjoyed eating the two last cookies for our afternoon snack yesterday!


Mediterranean Chickenย Pork in the Crock Pot over spaghetti squash

The pork added a nice richness, along with the feta cheese!

The pork added a nice richness, along with the feta cheese!

– Roasted brussel sprouts with herb chicken cooked in the crock pot

Such a good dinner!

Such a good dinner last night!

Oh, before I forget, after training my client last night, I was inspired to put together another CrossFit workout for home or travel that I wanted to share with you. It’s timely, since my husband and leave for our extended weekend getaway for his birthday tomorrow! I’m going to try to workout at least one day, but we’ll see…

Speaking of, one of my husband’s birthday gifts (that he requested) was for me to be “unplugged” the whole weekend, so I will be a little MIA until next week. I’ll be sure to post pictures on Instagram and updates on Twitter and Facebook, but look for a full recap post next Tuesday.

Have a great Wednesday and enjoy the rest of your week! Oh, Happy Valentine’s Day!


– What are you looking forward to eating today? I can’t wait to make myself a nice big bowl of No Oat Oatmeal with leftover Coconut Whipped Cream!

– What are your plans for Valentine’s Day? My husband and I usually don’t do much, but after we bring Keenan to my in-law’s, we are going to stop at our favorite lunch place, and slowly make our way to the coast. We are also planning to make a nice dinner and share a bottle of wine. It should be fun!

*Also, If you entered the Drink Chia giveaway, check here if you won. There are 13 winners!!