Happy Hump Day! It is a beautiful rainy day over here, today. It was cute…while Keenan and I were walking out of the library and to our car this morning, he said, “It smells like water!” It had just rain and I couldn’t believe that he said that! I’ve said it smells like rain before, but I didn’t think he understood it. It is amazing what kids absorb!

Speaking of kids, Keenan slept all through the night last night! It was so nice to not be woken up. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we can get through this phase and he can get back on track with his usual sleep habits…

Anyhow, since it is Wednesday, it is time to link up with Jenn at Peas and Crayons for What I Ate Wednesday!

Peas and Crayons

Here are my eats from today:


Leftover pancakes that we made last week, using a multi-grain mix from Trader Joe’s that my mother-in-law gave us. I added flaxseed, chia seeds, egg protein powder and dried blueberries to the mix to enhance the nutrition! I was craving almond butter when I woke up this morning, so I spread it on my pancake, added a few banana slices and a drizzle of honey, along with fresh berries on the side, YUM!

Multi-grain pancakes

My lovely morning latte!



A random “cooked” cobb salad of baby spinach, tomatoes, avocado, turkey, pepperoncinis, pasta sauce and a one microwaved egg. It was good!

Cobb Salad

Pre-workout snack (later today):

Half of a Raw Walnut Banana CORE Foods Defender Bar.

CORE Foods Bars


Tonight, we are having one of our favorites that is nice and easy, Mediterranean Chicken in the Crock Pot over spaghetti squash!

Oh, and as promised, here is our Salmon Burger recipethat we made last Friday night. They were delicious and we will definitely be making them again!

Salmon Burger

Have a great afternoon!


– What is one thing that you ate today?

– What is on your menu for dinner tonight?