Thanks for the positive thoughts from Monday’s post. My back is feeling a little better after seeing my Chiropractor. I’ve been doing my best to let it rest and ice it throughout the day. I see my Chiropractor again tomorrow, followed by a massage, so I hope that will help!

Anyhow, I had planned to post a new recipe today, but some of my clients have asked what I eat in a given day, so I thought it would be good to do a typical What I Ate Wednesday post to check in on my eating.


Here is a little snapshot of my meals from yesterday…


One of my favorite healthier desserts that I love to eat for breakfast, a banana bar (made with oat flour instead of almond flour), fried egg and some strawberries with a cup of coffee. The banana bar is not my typical breakfast; Keenan and I made these on Sunday  for a special treat that we have been enjoying in the mornings the past few days. I usually have a bowl of oats, oat bran or no oat oatmeal, but it’s always good to change things up every now and then!

gluten free banana bar


Salad with a pear, dried cherries, roasted walnuts and a sprinkle of feta cheese with two rolled up slices of turkey that I ate too fast for a picture!

cherry almond salad

Afternoon Snack:

Microwave Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Mug Brownie that I shared with Keenan. It’s our daily snack!

Microwave Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Mug Brownie


Chicken fajitas that I threw together with bell peppers, onions and cilantro with small corn tortillas. I completely forgot to take a picture because I was in such a rush to get dinner on the table!


A glass of red wine

That’s it for today.

Also, congrats to MaryAnn Drapkin for winning the nuts ‘n more giveaway!! Please email me your contact info.


What is one thing that you have eaten today?

Do you tend to eat the same thing everyday?

What is your daily nightcap?