Happy Hump Day!

I still can’t believe Halloween is tomorrow, but I’m SUPER excited to take Keenan trick-or-treating and pass out candy. Our neighbors have warned us that there are a lot of trick-or-treaters, so be prepared! You are probably wondering if I would give out candy, being that I’m an advocate for healthy eating. Since it’s only once a year, we do give out candy, but I also buy the 100% fruit snacks and mix them in, so I feel like I’m giving away at least one thing that is healthy! We allow Keenan to have a piece (or two) of candy of his choice after he goes trick-or-treating and then a few pieces over the following week. After it has been a week, I have my husband bring it to his office or I toss it (except for the dark chocolate pieces!). I hate throwing things away, but if there is candy in our house, my husband and Keenan will devour it! We have taught Keenan that candy is something we only have on very special occasions like Halloween, because it isn’t healthy or good for our tummies on a regular basis. Fortunately, he is starting to get it because the other day he told me, “Candy isn’t good for my tummy, but I can have a piece on Halloween!”

Anyhow, for this week’s What I Ate Wednesday, I thought I would mix things up by doing “What I have been craving” since I’m 24 weeks along in my pregnancy.

Spooky Snacks and Healthy Halloween Treats

I have been craving…

Juicy buffalo bacon cheeseburgers with oven-baked sweet potato fries (thanks to my husband for making them!).

Buffalo bacon burger

A random, but old favorite, Cilantro-Lime Spaghetti Squash with Chicken.

Cilantro Lime Spaghetti Squash with Chicken

Breakfast sandwiches with egg whites, tomato and avocado.

Breakfast Sandwich

Pumpkin Pie Oat Pancakes with maple butter (I just made more yesterday!).

Pumpkin Pie Oat Pancakes

These wonderful veggie chips!

Veggie Chips

Dark chocolate super fruits for when I’m craving something sweet.

Dark Chocolate Super Fruits

Pumpkin cake with homemade whipped cream (recipe coming soon)!

Pumpkin cake

Thanks, Jenn, for hosting another WIAW. Be sure to check out her blog for all of her delicious eats!

That’s it for today. I’m working at Keenan’s preschool this morning and it’s Halloween fun day, so I need to get him dressed in his costume!


Do you  get trick-or-treaters? If so, what do you give out?

What have you been craving lately now that the weather is getting colder?

Have you eaten anything recently that has rocked your world?