This has been one productive, yet incredibly exhausting day, hence the time of this post! I’m just now sitting down to relax a little before heading to bed. Since Keenan’s birthday party is Saturday, I wanted to clean the house today, to allow time to put together his favors, centerpieces and cake the rest of the week. What I thought would only take a few hours to clean, ended up taking me all day (literally finishing five minutes before 6 p.m.), thanks to my handy dandy little helper. Keenan loves to help me clean, but it ends up taking twice as long, than if I do it myself! Today, he was super excited to use the little dust mop while I used our big one, though he tried to use it on everything BUT the floors, i.e. the walls, beds and our sofa!

To top it all off, when Keenan woke up from his nap, he had an accident and ended up peeing on his bed and nice clean floor (not a dribble, a HUGE puddle)! Just when you think you are all done cleaning, you have a toddler to keep things interesting, ha! Needless to say, I’m one exhausted pregnant lady! I’m glad I decided to get up early and get my tabata WOD in this morning, otherwise I wouldn’t have had any energy or time to fit in a workout (although cleaning house sure feels like one). Speaking of tabata, I had planned to post another home CrossFit WOD today, but I’m too tired to finish it. I’ll make sure to post it later this week.

Anyhow, I’ll leave you with this cute picture, since all I can think of is curling up in my bed and getting some sleep!


Have a good one!


Have you ever felt so exhausted that all you could do was visualize yourself sleeping in your bed?

How do you handle days when you feel too tired to care about anything?