Working out

As you probably already know, working out is a big part of who I am. It’s a way for me to manage my stress, zone out, clear my head, have “me time,” feel good and–best of all–stay in shape. I schedule my week around my workouts, making sure not to miss one (unless we are on vacation or out of town). Even then, I always try to fit in one final workout before we leave on a trip (or Drew designs workouts while we’re away!). Exercising is a way of life for me. It started at a very young age, when I watched my mom exercise to video tapes in our living room, jog, or play softball in her adult league. In addition, my grandmother (my mom’s mother), was an avid exerciser, too. She did her daily “exercises”: Stretches, back bends, and the splits (she was still able to do the splits at 80 years old!). With two wonderful, healthy role models, exercise is in my blood.

Now that  I am regular CrossFitter, I will post my workouts, adventures and experiences, as well as how I make time for them while still being a mom!