I can’t believe it’s already the end of May and school is out for Summer! Where did this past month go? Keenan’s last day of preschool (for the year) was yesterday. Only one more year of preschool and then I have a Kindergartner, yikes!

Since it’s the near the end of the month, it is almost the end of the 30-Day Shape-Up For Summer Challenge! I’m so excited to see how everyone did with the burpees, squats, water and fruit/veggie consumption. For me, it was fun to have a goal of adding in extra burpees and squats to my workouts each day. Extra activity (and burning additional calories) is always good! I either did them before my wods or immediately after. As for the fruit and veggie consumption, I usually exceed the 6 servings on a daily basis, especially with consuming Juice Plus. Since I drink water constantly throughout the day, it was helpful to see what I was actually drinking. On most days I exceeded the twelve glasses, but I had a few days where I was short a couple.

30-Day Shape-Up For Summer Challenge

I hope those of you who participated in my challenge are inspired to keep making small, manageable healthy changes. If you could consume more water, fruit and veggies for 30 days, think about what else you can do to lead a more healthier lifestyle. Maybe your next focus is getting more sleep, or eating more whole foods? If you did the burpees and squats consistently, think about how you can add other forms of activity into your day or week. How can you involve your kids in your activity now that school is out?

Most importantly, I hope this challenge has inspired you to take care of yourself in order to be your best self for you and your family!

Be Your Best Self - Quote Picture

*Please email me your tracking sheets by June 1st at melissa@deliciouslyFIT.guru in order to be entered into the drawing for some fun prizes!! If you tracked any biometrics, i.e. weight or inches, please let me know if you experienced any changes! The winner will be announced the week of June 8th!

Since we are heading to the beach for a few days, I might be a little MIA next week, but you can always follow me on instagram, FB or twitter!


What did you like MOST about the challenge?

Would you be interested in doing another challenge?