I know I’ve said this before, but I just can’t believe how fast this year is going (half-way through November, really?) and how fast my pregnancy is going. Honestly, where did the time go? With the holidays quickly approaching, the days are getting busier and before I know it, it will be February when our little one arrives, EEK!

Pregnancy Update at 26 Weeks

Ok, enough panicking, it’s time to take a deep breath and slow down, as my husband often tells me. In the last couple of weeks it has hit me with how much I have to do for the holidays and prepare for baby #2 (such as getting their room ready, since we are currently using it as an office). Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the holidays and I can’t wait for all of the festivities to begin, but there is always  so much to do!

Panicking aside, things are continuing to go well and Keenan is still set on having a brother AND a sister! When he says his prayers before going to bed, he always asks God to bring him a brother and a sister; it’s too cute. Unless things have changed, there is still one baby in my belly!

Pregnancy Update at 26 Weeks

Cravings: Still salty, savory foods, especially bison burgers, veggie chips, bacon, eggs (with a runny yolk!), roasted veggies and the occasional dessert (though I have been craving banana bread lately). I made some awesome brownies filled with peanut butter and banana the other day that were the perfect combo of sweet and slightly salty (recipe to come soon)!

Eating: Good, but not overly hungry as I was before.

Emotions: Happy, though a little stressed with all of the things I need to do in the coming months!

Skin: Staying mostly clear with the occasional annoying blemishes, but nothing too bad as it was in my first trimester.

Weight gain: It has remained the same. I’ve gained a total of 20 pounds so far, which is not bad, though it’s still something I think about.

Workouts: I’m still doing CrossFit four days a week in our garage gym (which is almost finished!). I stopped doing double unders, since they are too uncomfortable. I’m still running, rowing and lifting. I feel great and I plan to continue working out until the big day!

Sleep: My dreams are still CRAZY (last night I had a dream that I was doing ballet in a restaurant…weird!), but I’m sleeping well. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it continues this way!


Is it me, or do you feel like this year has flown by?

How are you staying stress-free this holiday season?

If you have been pregnant, did you worry about how much weight you gained?