Happy Friday!

I’m so ready for the weekend to be here because it been one busy week! I’m looking forward to a nice relaxing “at home date night’ tonight making dinner with my husband and watching a movie. Tomorrow, we are getting together with some friends we haven’t seen in a long time, and Sunday, we are staying home and working on endless projects around the house (hopefully getting some pictures up on the walls!).

Since it’s the end of the week, it’s time for our weekly Friday Favorites!  If you are new here, every Friday is a chance to slow down among the craziness of life, reflect back on the week and cherish some your favorite moments, eats and/or workouts. I hope you will join me and share some of your favorites by linking up below!

Favorite Moment:

Spending time playing outside as a family with Lulu and O’ Malley last night while dinner was cooking. Keenan and my husband kept trying to make Lulu sit and cuddle in their laps, but all she wanted to do was play and chase O’Malley!

Daddy and son with dog

Favorite Eat(s):

Meatloaf salad. I know it might not sound or look appetizing, but it was EXACTLY what I was craving! I made turkey meatloaf on Tuesday night and I have enjoyed adding it to my salads for lunch the rest of the week.

Meatloaf salad

Favorite Workout:

Simple and to the point:

4 rounds:

run 400 meters

20 sumo deadlift high pulls with a 35 lb. kettle bell

Have a wonderful weekend! Any fun plans?

It’s YOUR turn! What were some of your favorite moments, eats or workouts from this past week? Join the link up, or share some of them below in the comments!
