Why do vacations have to come to an end? Do you ever feel that way after getting back from an awesome trip? We had such a wonderful time in Maui and visiting our friends on Oahu that it was VERY hard to come home. I just wish my backyard could be this so I could drink my coffee in the mornings and gaze out at the ocean everyday…

Maui beach

If we didn’t farm (and live close to family), I would move to Maui (or any of the islands for that matter) in a heart beat, and here are my 5 reasons why…

1. Never have to blow dry my hair again! Since I have naturally wavy hair, it loves the humidity in Hawaii. I can let it air dry and my waves are soft, luscious and not frizzy. Say goodbye to static electricity! In addition to my hair, my skin feels great and looks its best with the moisture in the air. Even though I have oily skin, I’ll take a little shine over dryness any day (not that our California weather is too bad!).

Old Lahaina Luau

2. The beach is the ultimate entertainment for kids! Keenan can spend hours digging in the sand and playing in the water, especially after learning to boogie board on our trip! After Mirella got the hang of the sand, she had a blast “digging” and just playing in it. Aside from lunch and nap times, they both could have stayed on the beach all day. What perfect way to keep your kids entertained for hours?

beach fun with kids

3. Ocean = Bliss I’ve always loved being around water, especially the ocean. There is something about breathing in the salty sea air, watching and hearing the waves that makes me feel at peace. All my worries don’t seem to matter when I’m by the ocean, and I truly feel stress-free. Some day I can only hope to live near the ocean.

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4. Island Time! Some people think living in the country makes for a slower pace lifestyle but living on an island feels so much slower (in a good way!). Even though we live in the country, being in Hawaii felt so much slower. People were more relaxed, took time to appreciate life and not be so rushed about everything, like we are in California.

mom and baby on the beach

5. Gotta love the fruit in the tropics! The abundance of fresh pineapple, little bananas, mango, papaya, guava and avocados the size of softballs were enough to make me happy! Practically one avocado could feed a family of 4, at least the ones we picked up at a local farmer’s market. Mirella was in heaven with the little bananas and buttery avocados, eating them with practically every meal. You just can’t find the freshness and quality of tropical fruit here on the mainland.

baby eating pineapple in Maui

For now, I can at least savor all of the fun memories (from snorkeling to whale watching, to the awesome Luau and just playing on the beach) that we made and keep these pictures fresh in mind until we visit Hawaii again…

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If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?