Sorry I have been MIA, but last week was super busy with soccer, Keenan’s 5th birthday (seriously, where did the past 5 years go?), and his party this past weekend. I had all intentions of posting, but life just got in the way. We took Keenan to the California State Railroad Museum in Sacramento on his birthday last Thursday and had a picnic, followed by ice cream in Old Sacramento. He had a lot of fun, and was so tired from the heat and too much ice cream that he fell asleep within minutes of leaving the parking garage!

ice cream

On Saturday, we celebrated his birthday with family and friends at my parents’ house with the theme being a “tractor party” of course! It was rather easy, since he had a John Deere tractor party when he turned three. Luckily, I saved some of the decorations and party supplies, so I was able to reuse them!

tractor party - 5th birthday

Keenan had a blast at his party, and as always, I forgot to take pictures of the food (except for the cake). Per Keenan’s request, the menu was my husband’s infamous guacamole and chips for the appetizer and ribs, corn on the cob, watermelon and a green salad loaded with artichoke hearts and kalamata olives for dinner. I made a no-bake chocolate eclair dessert for his cake (making homemade whipped cream instead of cool whip) with a tractor that my husband made out of rice krispie treats and oreos. After making the eclair dessert for my husband on Father’s Day, Keenan immediately told me he wanted that for his birthday. It is SO rich, but so good, perfect for a hot Summer day!

5th birthday tractor theme

I knew Keenan enjoyed himself because at the end of the evening when I was tucking him in his bed, he gave me a big hug and said, “Mommy, I had the bestest birthday ever!” Those words made it all worth it (although, I still can’t believe he turned 5 years old!). I wish I could stop time and keep him this little forever!


What kind of themed parties have your kids wanted?

Do you tend to make all of the food or have it catered for parties?