Happy Good Friday, for those that celebrate Easter! It seems that Easter snuck up on me this year since the past two months have been a whirlwind due to Mirella‘s birth. Anyhow, I have...
Category: CrossFit
Breastfeeding and CrossFit
Since getting back into CrossFit after Mirella was born, I’ve received a few questions in regards to breastfeeding. Some of the main questions that I’ve received is how I am able to breastfeed while...
My First Week Back Doing CrossFit After Baby
I had planned to write this post last Friday but time got away from me. Being that I just finished my workout (and my little angel is still sleeping peacefully), I want to share...
CrossFit At-Home Workout #17: The Pregnant Chipper

First off, I’m SO excited to be a Sweat Guru Contributor! My first post went live today and you can check it out here!! Now that I’m almost 36 weeks along, my wods are...
3 Tips For Working Out On Vacation and CrossFit Home or Travel WOD #16

First off, look where “Peanut” was this morning! Don’t you just love the wine selection? You can’t go wrong with a little Charles Shaw (I WISH I could have some!). The first thing Keenan...
CrossFit During Pregnancy Update
It’s been a few months since I talked about doing CrossFit during my pregnancy and since I’m 29 weeks now (can you believe it?), I thought an update was in order. I still can’t...
CrossFit Home or Travel WOD #15 (aka Thanksgiving Chipper!)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoyed their share of good food! We had a nice holiday (more to come on that soon!) and today we are taking it easy, enjoying leftovers,...
CrossFit Home or Travel WOD #13

Another home CrossFit WOD is here! I did this earlier this week and it’s a fun one. It may seem simple, but I promise you will get a great workout! If you have any questions...
CrossFit During Pregnancy Part Two + Another Home Workout!
A couple of weeks ago I wrote about doing CrossFit during pregnancy and I realized I left a few things out, which probably left you with some unanswered questions. Since I’m so passionate about...
Doing CrossFit During Pregnancy
When we formally announced my pregnancy with baby #2 I started to get questions if I was still going to do CrossFit while I was pregnant. A few people asked if it was safe to...