You are probably wondering what in the world is this blog post about, judging by the title, right? Either way, you definitely want a slide! Lately, I’ve received some questions about what exercises can help to strengthen...
Fit Pregnancy
Category: Fit Pregnancy
Post Baby Body: 11 Months Postpartum

Look who turned 11 months over the weekend! How cute is she? This year has gone by WAY too fast for my liking. I’m already in denial that Mirella will be one year old...
Post Baby Body: 10 Months Postpartum

I can’t believe Mirella turned 10 months old this past Wednesday! I always say this, but seriously, can I freeze time? This year has gone by WAY too fast for my liking and I’m...
Post Baby Body: 8 Months Postpartum and My Diastasis Recti
I can’t believe it’s already been 8 months since I gave birth to our beautiful baby girl. It has been fun to see her little personality develop and watch her gain new skills like...
Pregnancy Update – 36 Weeks!
Only one more week and I’m full-term! It’s crazy how fast these last few weeks are going. I’m finally feeling ready now that the baby’s room is pretty much complete (except for hanging up...
CrossFit At-Home Workout #17: The Pregnant Chipper

First off, I’m SO excited to be a Sweat Guru Contributor! My first post went live today and you can check it out here!! Now that I’m almost 36 weeks along, my wods are...
Pregnancy Update – 35 Weeks!
I can’t believe in two weeks I’ll be full-term! It’s crazy how the weeks are just flying by! I’m hoping after this weekend we will have the baby’s room finished and a couple of...
Pregnancy Update – 33 Weeks!
I hope everyone had a great New Years! I still can’t believe it’s 2014 already and baby #2 will be here in 7 weeks!! This past year and the last few weeks have flown...
CrossFit During Pregnancy Update
It’s been a few months since I talked about doing CrossFit during my pregnancy and since I’m 29 weeks now (can you believe it?), I thought an update was in order. I still can’t...
Pregnancy Update at 15 Weeks!
I can’t believe it has almost been 5 weeks since I posted my last pregnancy update. Time just got away from me, especially spending my days with a very active three year old! To...