You might have wondered where I have been the past three weeks, unless you follow me on instagram or twitter. The truth is, life has been very busy (but, in a good way!). Early Sunday morning,...
Category: Travel
5 Reasons Why I Want to Move To Hawaii
Why do vacations have to come to an end? Do you ever feel that way after getting back from an awesome trip? We had such a wonderful time in Maui and visiting our friends on...
What I’m Packing For Hawaii
We have been planning this trip for a year, and now we only have a couple of days left until we leave. I’m still not packed, and I have a million other things that I...
Marvelous Week At The Beach!
Happy Monday! I’m sorry I was missing in action last week. I was hoping to do a couple of posts and do more updates on twitter, but this pregnancy has really zapped my energy....
Farewell NOLA!
As my mom and I sit in the Houston airport waiting for our flight back to Sacramento that is now delayed by a half hour, I thought I might as well make use of...
Family Vacation at the Beach
I hope you all had a great weekend! Sorry I was MIA last week, but I have to say it was nice to “unplug” and just enjoy time with my family and soak in...
Holiday Recap and Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! I can’t believe it is already 2013! The past two weeks flew by at light speed, not to mention the entire year of 2012! Our New Year’s was pretty low-key. Since...
Traveling For the Holidays and Sacramento Bloggers December Meetup

“Peanut” was hiding this morning, sitting at the head of of our table. It took Keenan a long time to finally find her. He kept looking on the couch, around his play area and...
Monkey See, Monkey Do
After going to bed early and getting a good night’s rest last night, we have all recovered from our weekend. Isn’t it the best feeling when you wake up rested and refreshed? My goal...
Silliness and the Love of “Baba!”
Today was once again all about being silly and goofy at our house. Keenan literally wrestled his “Baba” on the couch for 10 minutes straight this morning! He kept saying, “Ummm, I love you...