Ever since I got my Instant Pot, I’ve been experimenting and taking my regular slow cooker recipes and putting them in the instant pot to see how they do. I have to admit, I...
Category: Uncategorized
What The 10 Day Shred Is Really About
If you follow me on instagram or FB, you have probably seen me post about the 10 Day Shred and most likely wondered what it is all about. Why is there so much hype...
Why I Love Beautycounter Skincare Products…
Sorry I was MIA last week, but it was a hectic week with hardly any down time (all good, but just busy!). I swear, it seems that every week gets busier and busier these...
My Television Debut!
I still can’t believe I was on our local television station’s morning show, Good Day Sacramento this past Tuesday. It all happened so fast that it now seems like a blur! I was so...
How We Survived Our First Family Road Trip
Before we left for Oregon to visit our friends last week, I was excited, but VERY anxious about the long drive with two kids under 5. Google maps estimated it would take us 9 hours...
5 Things I’m Loving Lately…
I hope you all had a great weekend! Sorry I’ve been MIA lately! My brother and his family flew in last week and we have been hanging out with them pretty much everyday, including swimming...
My One Simple Change To Run More
I hope everyone had a nice weekend and Father’s Day celebrating the great dad’s in their life! A couple of months ago I posted about the Juice Plus conference I attended and making One...
30-Day Shape-Up For Summer Challenge Recap!
I can’t believe it’s already the end of May and school is out for Summer! Where did this past month go? Keenan’s last day of preschool (for the year) was yesterday. Only one more...
Shape-Up For Summer Challenge Check-In
Thank you for all of your thoughtful comments about my grandfather. Last week was filled with many emotions, morning the loss of my grandpa, but also enjoying time with family who I hadn’t seen in a...
5 New Recipes That I Have Been Making…

Since we were at the beach last week and the week prior I was busy getting ready for our vacation I haven’t developed any new recipes, sorry! However, I have FINALLY been trying some new recipes on my Pinterest board that...