I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoyed their share of good food! We had a nice holiday (more to come on that soon!) ย and today we are taking it easy, enjoying leftovers, putting the Fall decorations away and bringing out the Christmas ones! But, before I do anything, I’m making sure to fit in a good workout to burn off all of those delicious calories I ate yesterday. I’m planning to have my in-laws do a wod (workout of the day in CrossFit lingo) with my husband and I, too, since they are here. It should be fun!

So, instead of doing my traditional Friday Favorites post, I thought posting a new home CrossFit workout to burn off all of those calories you consumed yesterday was more appropriate. This way, you won’t feel guilty about how much you ate!

Anyone can do this workout, so if you have family staying with you, encourage them to do it with you! All you need is a little space, comfy workout clothes, shoes and water. Be sure to warm up for 5-10 minutes (run, squats, jumping jacks, push ups, etc), along with a few stretches before beginning the workout. Have fun!

Home or Travel CrossFit WOD #15


If you did the workout, how did it go? Did you do it with anyone?

Were you able to fit in a workout on turkey day or the day before?