Now that 2016 is upon us and New Year resolutions are in full force, it is time I share another CrossFit Home Wod. This past week was my first full week back at training clients, working out daily (including two double days!) and getting my eating back on track after the holidays, and boy, does it feel good! A couple days off is okay, but after that, I need to move and get back to eating healthy again!

With that being said, I’ve challenged all of my personal training clients (including myself) for the month of January to not consume any processed sugar, keep a daily food log and do 3 days of 100 burpees each week. We all need a little jump start to get back on track for the new year, so if you are interested in doing the challenge, leave a comment below!

Anyhow, here is CrossFit Home Wod #29…enjoy! Make sure to complete the buy-in first, followed by the 4 rounds and then finish with the cash-out!

CrossFit Home Wod #29



If you did the workout, how did it go?

What is one of your New Year resolutions/goals for 2016?