Happy Friday!

I hope everyone had a great week! This week went by fast since we my husband and I were gone for a couple of days for my birthday. I’m still playing catch-up! But, I’m looking forward to the long weekend, since my husband has Monday off in honor of Veteran’s Day. We are planning to stay home all weekend and work on projects around the house, i.e. putting pictures up (finally), putting my gym together and starting on our dog run. There is lots to do, but it will be nice to be home all together. Also, tomorrow we are taking family photos and some belly shots for our Christmas cards! It should be fun! I’ll be sure to post some pictures once we get them back.

Since it’s the end of the week, you know the drill. It’s time for our weekly Friday Favorites! If you are new here, every Friday is a chance to slow down among the craziness of life, reflect back on the week and cherish some your favorite moments, eats and/or workouts. I hope you will join me and share some of your favorites by linking up below!

Favorite Moment:

Keenan helping me blow out (and lick) my birthday candles!

Birthday cake

Favorite Eat(s):

All of the yummy food we had on my little birthday getaway! It’s funny, I only took pictures of all of the sweet things we ate (except for the best meatball EVER!). I ate all of the other food too fast to snap a picture!

Yummy food

Favorite Workout:

A short, but good one I threw together yesterday:

3 rounds:

run 400 meters

21 walking lunges holding a 25 lb. bumper plate overhead (or two 12 lb. dumbbells could work)

12 slap planks

Have a wonderful weekend!

It’s YOUR turn! What were some of your favorite moments, eats or workouts from this past week? Join the link up, or share some of them below in the comments!