Happy Friday!

I still can’t believe we only have 6 weeks (or less) until our little one arrives…CRAZY! Today, I have a prenatal appointment and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that our little peanut has turned and is head down. I’ll keep you posted!

Anyhow, Friday Favorites is finally back! It’s been a while since I posted a regular Friday post, so I’m anxious to get back into the swing of things. If you are new here, every Friday is a chance to slow down among the craziness of life and reflect back on the week and cherish some of your favorite moments, eats and/or workouts. Instead of hosting a link up this time, I’m just going to share some of my favorites. I hope you will do the same!

Favorite Moment:

Though I don’t have a picture of it…holding Keenan and singing my usual bedtime song to him last night when he lifted his head from my shoulder and said, “Mommy, I love you.” Those words never get old. If only I could keep him little forever.

Favorite Eat:

One of our household dinner favorites, Crustless Broccoli Cheddar Quiche.

Crustless Broccoli Cheddar Quiche

Favorite Workout:

Prego Mommy Wod

The prego mommy wod: 

9 kettlebell snatches (26 lb)

500 meter row

15 kettlebell snatches (26 lb)

500 meter row

21 kettlebell snatches (26 lb)

500 meter row

Have a great weekend!


What was your favorite moment, eat and/or workout from this past week?