Happy Friday!

I hope everyone had a great week! We have another busy weekend ahead of us finishing up the baby’s room and other projects around the house. As a nice incentive, my husband and I have a date night planned on Saturday while Keenan stays over at my parents’ house. We are going to dinner and to a movie, but my husband is keeping the restaurant a surprise. It should be fun and a nice reward for working hard to get things done this weekend!

Since it’s the end of the week, let’s get right to this week’s Friday Favorites!  If you are new here, every Friday I like to reflect back on the week and cherish my favorite moment, eat(s) and workout, as a chance to slow down among the craziness in life and appreciate the little things. As of now, I’m no longer going to host a link up, but we’ll see how things go in the future.

Favorite Moment:

Seeing Keenan be so excited to be “star of the week” at preschool and sharing some of his toys for his first “show and tell!” He wasn’t shy at all and I was one proud mommy!


Favorite Eat(s):

Monday night’s dinner: Broccoli chicken stir-fry over quinoa.

Chicken stir-fry

Favorite Workout:

A simple, but great tabata workout doing the following:

1. Pull ups

2. Medicine ball cleans (14 lbs)

3. Sumo deadlight high pulls with a kettlebell (35 lbs)

4. Box step ups

Have a wonderful weekend!


What were some of your favorites form this past week?