Happy Monday and Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

I hope everyone had a great weekend and I’m sure some of you are still enjoying it, thanks to the holiday. We had another productive weekend getting projects done around the house with family movie night (showing Keenan “Aladdin” for the first time) and a date night thrown in!

Since it’s Monday and a marvelous one at that, I’m joining Katie for another Marvelous In Monday.

MiMM MIMM #83 Hashtag Style!

I did my best to remember to take a couple of pictures from this weekend, but we were so busy finishing the baby’s room, getting our garage and office organized, that I didn’t do that good of a job, sorry!

Marvelous is…

Getting the baby’s room pretty much done, except for hanging pictures and putting the rug down (once I mop the floor)!

Baby's room

Having a date night with my husband seeing the movie, “Saving Mr. Banks” (which was really good!) and trying a new restaurant that was wonderful and even BETTER with their chocolate banana bread pudding!

Banana chocolate bread pudding

This wonderful package arriving  from Paleo Sweet Tooth, a cool local company! Keenan and I sampled the honey almond butter yesterday and all I can say is WOW! I can’t wait to try the other two flavors soon!

Paleo Sweet Tooth

Leaving for the beach in four days to enjoy some rest and relaxation before our little one arrives!


What was marvelous about your weekend?