I can’t believe in two weeks I’ll be full-term! It’s crazy how the weeks are just flying by! I’m hoping after this weekend we will have the baby’s room finished and a couple of other projects around the house completed so we can have some time to relax before our new addition makes their appearance.

35 Weeks Pregnant

Things are going well. I had a prenatal appointment last Friday and the baby TURNED!! Our midwife confirmed it is head down. It’s very low, too, because it seems like it is just bouncing on my bladder all the time! Anyhow, we were relieved to learn that the baby is in position and I’m keeping my fingers crossed he/she continues to stay that way. Also, my sciatica seems to be much better, thanks to having regular chiropractor visits. I go back in two weeks, so hopefully things stay the same.

Cravings: Still mostly salty, savory foods, especially those addicting peanut butter filled pretzels! However, I have been craving banana nut bars, so Keenan and I made a batch today with cream cheese frosting and they are SO good!

Eating: More hungrier than usual. I wonder if the baby is going through a growth spurt or it’s the hormones.

Emotions: Relieved now that the baby is head down and getting anxious/excited to meet our little girl or boy (which Keenan is officially set on it being a sister, so we’ll see)!

Skin: Continuing to stay mostly clear, thank goodness!

Weight gain: I’ve gained a total of 30 pounds so far, which is 3 pounds heavier than what I gained with Keenan. I’m trying not to focus on the number and allow my body to do what it needs to do, but I sure hope I don’t gain too much more in the next few weeks!

Workouts: I’m still doing CrossFit four days a week, but definitely modifying a lot more exercises to keep my sciatica at bay and also because of the discomfort of the baby being so low. I’m doing a lot more rowing, push presses, strict presses, ring dips, ring rows, box step ups, med ball cleans and squats. I’m staying away from doing anything where I have to bend form the waist or movements where my belly gets in the way!

Sleep: I’m waking up a couple of times a night due to going to the bathroom or my hands and arms going numb (the same thing I had with Keenan, ugh!). Since I’ve been exhausted by 10:00 p.m., I’ve been going to bed on time and getting 8 hours of sleep, which has helped a lot!


Have you ever had sciatica? If so, how did you cope?

How many hours of sleep do you get per night?