Who got their first muscle-up? This Mommy! I am SO incredibly pumped right now! At CrossFit tonight, after doing WOD 13.4, I got my first muscle-up, and two, at that!! My husband started it off by getting his first muscle-up and then working up to a total of seventeen! I was so excited for him, but at the same time, the competitive side in me was determined to get one myself. I have been practicing the progressions for what seems like forever and finally all of the hard work paid off! I may not have the heaviest dead lift,  back squat or power clean, but at least I finally got a muscle-up. Now, I just need to figure out how to string them together and keep my hands and forearms from not tearing, due to the false grip!

And, now for the BIG news…we are moving back to my hometown in June! Sorry for the cliffhanger on Monday, but we wanted to take care of a few things before we formally announced it. My husband and I both grew up in small farm towns in the country (in fact, our dads are both farmers), so we have always talked about going back to our roots one day and raising our family. I raised sheep for 4-H and had acres to roam, and I would love for Keenan to have the same experience. We love living in the Sacramento area–being close to good restaurants, having lot of things to do, our wonderful CrossFit community, good friends (who we will miss dearly!) and the airport for traveling–but we are ready to live a more remote life in the country and be grounded, so to say.

After Keenan turned one, my husband and I started to feel the itch to move not only to a bigger home that offered more space for Keenan to run and play, but to be in the country where we could have animals, a garden, and space. At that time, moving wasn’t an option due to the housing market and the economy, but an opportunity arose in the past couple of months (much sooner than we expected!) and after many discussions, we decided to jump on it! We are still in a little bit of shock, as things have been happening so fast!

We will be about five minutes from my parents’ house, so it will be nice to be closer to them, although we are sad to be two hours away from my husband’s parents. When discussing what we wanted to do, one of the hardest things was trying to find a balance between both of our families. My husband and I want Keenan (and any other children that we may have) to be close to  both of our parents and allow him to see them often, but unless both sets of grandparents live nearby, there is no easy way to make things equal.

Anyhow, we are very excited about this move and change in our lives and know that it is the right decision for our family, but overwhelmed by the process. It was one thing moving from a tiny condo into a house when it was just the two of us, but it is another thing moving from one house to another, and with a child! There is just too much stuff! In addition to moving, we will be renting our house here, so we have to start looking for tenants ASAP, eek! As with life, there always seems to be too much to do in such little time, but in the end, I know things will work out (at least, I have to keep telling myself that!).

In the meantime, things are going to be a tad crazy around here, since we also have some work to do on the new house, so I apologize if my posts are a little scattered, but I’m going to do my best to keep them regularly scheduled. So, stay tuned for more to come!

Well, today would have been a regular “Thursday Tidbits” post, but after getting my muscle-up tonight, I couldn’t think about writing anything else. With that being said, I’ll leave you with another home or travel workout idea, CrossFit Home or Travel WOD #7, perfect for the long holiday weekend! With all of the Easter goodies, it will be good to burn a few extra calories!


What have you consistently worked on or trained for and finally achieved?

Do you feel like you are set with where you want to live and what you want to do in life, i.e. career, having kids, living in your  dream house?