I hope you all have been enjoying your Summer. I can’t believe that August is almost here, which means back to school, soccer and the regular routine will be starting up very soon! I...
Tagged: cousins
5 Things I’m Loving Lately…
I hope you all had a great weekend! Sorry I’ve been MIA lately! My brother and his family flew in last week and we have been hanging out with them pretty much everyday, including swimming...
Marvelous Family Beach Vacation!

Don’t you love getting back from a vacation feeling rested and recharged? I felt this way when we got back from the beach this past weekend. It made it so much easier getting “back to the grind.”...
Marvelous Holiday Weekend With Family!

Look who arrived at our house again? Keenan was so excited to find “Peanut” this morning, but he kept asking when she was going to clean up the chocolate on her face. He even...
A Marvelous Month With Family
As most of you know, my brother and his family have been here (staying with my parents) since July 2nd and today is their last day. It’s always hard to say goodbye, but it...
MIMM – Marvelous Holiday Weekend!
I hope everyone had a fun and safe 4th of July weekend! Since it’s Monday, I’m joining Katie for Marvelous In My Monday to share some of our holiday weekend fun… Keenan and my...
Marvelous In My Monday With Family and Good Food!
Happy Monday! Before I go into today’s post, the winner of the Mother’s Therapy Organics giveaway is: Maryann Drapkin! Please send me your contact information so you can receive your pack of hand sanitizers! I...
Friday Favorites!
Happy Friday! In case you missed yesterday’s post, you MUST watch the short video I posted, especially if you are a mom! It brought tears to my eyes. Anyhow, I can’t believe Thanksgiving is...
Marvelous Week At The Beach!
Happy Monday! I’m sorry I was missing in action last week. I was hoping to do a couple of posts and do more updates on twitter, but this pregnancy has really zapped my energy....
A Marvelous Weekend Settling In and Enjoying Family
Happy Monday! I’m so sorry I have been absent the past couple of weeks. With living at my parents’ the first week that we moved (since we weren’t able to live in our house),...