It’s been a couple of weeks since I posted an update, so I thought I better do one today in case this baby decides to arrive early. Keenan came at 38 1/2 weeks, so...
CrossFit during pregnancy
Tagged: CrossFit during pregnancy
Pregnancy Update – 36 Weeks!
Only one more week and I’m full-term! It’s crazy how fast these last few weeks are going. I’m finally feeling ready now that the baby’s room is pretty much complete (except for hanging up...
CrossFit At-Home Workout #17: The Pregnant Chipper

First off, I’m SO excited to be a Sweat Guru Contributor! My first post went live today and you can check it out here!! Now that I’m almost 36 weeks along, my wods are...
Pregnancy Update – 35 Weeks!
I can’t believe in two weeks I’ll be full-term! It’s crazy how the weeks are just flying by! I’m hoping after this weekend we will have the baby’s room finished and a couple of...
CrossFit During Pregnancy Update
It’s been a few months since I talked about doing CrossFit during my pregnancy and since I’m 29 weeks now (can you believe it?), I thought an update was in order. I still can’t...
Pregnancy Update – 28 Weeks!
Thanksgiving is in two days and I’m moving into my third trimester…crazy! Now that the holidays are here, this pregnancy is going by even faster. I can’t believe I only have three months left...
CrossFit During Pregnancy Part Two + Another Home Workout!
A couple of weeks ago I wrote about doing CrossFit during pregnancy and I realized I left a few things out, which probably left you with some unanswered questions. Since I’m so passionate about...
Doing CrossFit During Pregnancy
When we formally announced my pregnancy with baby #2 I started to get questions if I was still going to do CrossFit while I was pregnant. A few people asked if it was safe to...