Happy Hump Day!

I hope you are enjoying your week so far and getting ready for the holidays (only a week left, can you believe it?). I’m almost ready, just a few more gifts to wrap and then it’s prepping for Christmas Eve dinner this weekend (since we are hosting)!

I have completely fallen off the wagon in taking pictures of my food lately. With the hustle and bustle of the holidays and directing our Church’s Christmas pageant, I’ve been so focused on just getting meals on the table that I’ve forgotten to take pictures of them. Fortunately, I managed to take a few pictures of what I ate yesterday for today’s WIAW post, thanks to the lovely, Jenn, for always hosting!


Peas and Crayons

Breakfast (not pictured):

Oatmeal cooked with flaxseed, chia seeds and topped with banana slices, a dollop of almond butter and drizzle of honey. It’s weird because I have eaten more oatmeal during this pregnancy than I ever have in my entire life!


One of my favorite go-to lunches: crackers, cheese, apples and carrots.

picnic lunch

Snack (not pictured): 

Half of a gingerbread cookie.


Our favorite family go-to dinner: Spaghetti Squash Burrito Bowl.

Spaghetti Squash Burrito Bowl


A slice of apple pie that I made this past weekend!

homemade apple pie

There you have it. Have a great day!


What is one thing that you have eaten today?

What is your favorite go-to lunch or dinner?