Happy Hump Day! I hope everyone’s week is going well so far. I’ve been on a role every evening organizing our office, cleaning out drawers and getting rid of cluttering paperwork that has been...
CrossFit At-Home Workout #17: The Pregnant Chipper
First off, I’m SO excited to be a Sweat Guru Contributor! My first post went live today and you can check it out here!! Now that I’m almost 36 weeks along, my wods are...
MIMM – Another Very Productive Weekend!
Happy Monday and Martin Luther King Jr. Day! I hope everyone had a great weekend and I’m sure some of you are still enjoying it, thanks to the holiday. We had another productive weekend...
Friday Favorites!
Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a great week! We have another busy weekend ahead of us finishing up the baby’s room and other projects around the house. As a nice incentive, my husband...
Pregnancy Update – 35 Weeks!
I can’t believe in two weeks I’ll be full-term! It’s crazy how the weeks are just flying by! I’m hoping after this weekend we will have the baby’s room finished and a couple of...
WIAW – Typical Day of Eats
Happy Hump Day! It’s been a while since I’ve done a regular What I Ate Wednesday post, because to be honest, I haven’t been good at taking pictures of my meals lately. I’m not...
Life As I Know It…
I had an entirely different post planned for today, but after putting Keenan down for his nap and having some quiet time to myself, I started thinking about life, when Keenan was first born...
Marvelous Oven-Baked Sweet Potato Fries
Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great and restful weekend! We had another productive weekend, slowly, but surely getting more things done around our house, including the baby’s room. The room is...
Friday Favorites!
Happy Friday! I still can’t believe we only have 6 weeks (or less) until our little one arrives…CRAZY! Today, I have a prenatal appointment and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that our little peanut...
Pregnancy Update – 34 Weeks!
Another week down and I’m 34 weeks already! I know I say this often, but seriously, time is flying by! At least, I’m happy to report that we made great progress on the baby’s...