Happy Friday!

Even though we have a busy weekend ahead with my husband working part of the day tomorrow and a wedding (that he is officiating) on Sunday, I’m looking forward to some family time the next couple of days, as well as recovering from this week’s workouts. Somehow I strained my left shoulder in one of my workouts doing kettlebell snatches, so I’ve been avoiding any shoulder exercises the past couple of days. I’m hoping with more stretching and laying low the next couple of days, it will feel better so I can get back to lifting next week.

Anyhow, it has been a long time (when I was 38 weeks pregnant with Mirella!) since I posted a workout. Since time is of the essence these days, it’s all about high intensity workouts in a short amount of time to maximize every minute (which is why I m addicted to CrossFit!), so I wanted to share this workout with you. It’s a great total body workout that is prefect for Summer to get you toned and ready for shorts and tanks! All you need is a timer and a little bit of space. Challenge yourself to go as fast as you can while taking minimal breaks!

Summer Shape-Up Total Body Workout 5.23.14

 Have a great weekend and don’t forget to enter the Bolder Band giveaway!! Contest ends Monday!


Any fun plans for the weekend?

What is your favorite way to workout?