I can’t believe it has been four months since I wrote a blog post. To tell you the truth, I haven’t really missed it. With everything else going on in my life, I needed every bit of the...
Tagged: Family
You Achieve What You Believe
The holidays have come and gone, January is in full swing with lots to do and February will be here before we know it. Just writing that sentence make my shoulders tense up. It’s...
Goals for 2016
We took down our tree and decorations yesterday, and I have to say I feel a bit sad (not to mention our house seems a little bare now), because Christmas is all over. We had such...
How We Survived Our First Family Road Trip
Before we left for Oregon to visit our friends last week, I was excited, but VERY anxious about the long drive with two kids under 5. Google maps estimated it would take us 9 hours...
How We Have Been Spending Our Summer Days…
I hope you all have been enjoying your Summer. I can’t believe that August is almost here, which means back to school, soccer and the regular routine will be starting up very soon! I...
5 Things I’m Loving Lately…
I hope you all had a great weekend! Sorry I’ve been MIA lately! My brother and his family flew in last week and we have been hanging out with them pretty much everyday, including swimming...
Living Life To The Fullest
I hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day! Mine was bittersweet…my husband surprised me with a delicious picnic at one of my favorite wineries, Holly’s Hill, but on our way home, we found...
Easter Shenanigans 2015

Even though yesterday was super-busy, it was a lot of fun. Because Keenan was too excited to sleep in, we started early, with my husband acting as the “Easter Bunny Ninja” so he could hide...
Marvelous Family Beach Vacation!

Don’t you love getting back from a vacation feeling rested and recharged? I felt this way when we got back from the beach this past weekend. It made it so much easier getting “back to the grind.”...
5 Reasons Why Having Kid #2 Will Rock Your World!

Ok, so going from one to two kids IS a freaking big deal! Among the excitement of finding out that we were expecting baby #2 and preparing for our little one’s arrival, no one...