
Tagged: Life

Where I Have Been These Past Few Months…

I can’t believe it has been four months since I wrote a blog post. To tell you the truth, I haven’t really missed it. With everything else going on in my life, I needed every bit of the...


5 Ways To Get Back On Track

As a Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach, I give advice on health and fitness on a daily basis. My passion lies in helping others succeed in reaching their goals, whether fitness, nutrition or weight related....


When Life Gets Busy…

I’m sorry my posts have been hit or miss lately, but life has just been crazy busy the past few weeks. After our roadtrip, life has been non-stop every since (all good things!). Keenan turned five...


Living Life To The Fullest

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day! Mine was bittersweet…my husband surprised me with a delicious picnic at one of my favorite wineries, Holly’s Hill, but on our way home, we found...


How I Find Balance (or not!)

This has been something I have wanted to write about for awhile, but once we got back from the beach, it really hit home. Since having Mirella, I’ve been struggling to find a healthy balance...


Thoughts For The Day…

Happy Friday! I’m so ready for the weekend as it has been one busy week. My husband started a new job this past Monday (actually working for my family’s farm!), so our schedule/life has...


A Quick Hello!

Happy Friday! I just want to pop in for a quick hello and to share some updated pictures of my little girl (who is almost three months, can you believe it?) and her big...
