Tagged: TGIF

Friday’s Five: Things I’m Loving Lately

Happy Friday and Happy Anniversary to my dear parents who have been married for 44 years today!! I’m SO glad it’s Friday because we are finally ALL feeling better in our household and we...


Thoughts For The Day…

Happy Friday! I’m so ready for the weekend as it has been one busy week. My husband started a new job this past Monday (actually working for my family’s farm!), so our schedule/life has...


A Quick Hello!

Happy Friday! I just want to pop in for a quick hello and to share some updated pictures of my little girl (who is almost three months, can you believe it?) and her big...


Friday Favorites!

TGIF! I’m SO excited it’s Friday and I am ready for the weekend to begin because we are heading to the beach for one last little getaway before baby #2 decides to arrive! I’m...


Friday Favorites!

Happy Friday! I still can’t believe we only have 6 weeks (or less) until our little one arrives…CRAZY! Today, I have a prenatal appointment and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that our little peanut...


Friday Favorites!

Happy Friday! I can’t believe it’s the last Friday before Christmas! I’m so excited for the holidays because Keenan is SO excited this year, not to mention that my brother, sister-in-law and nieces are...


Friday Favorites!

TGIF! I am so excited for Friday and the weekend to be here because we have a lot of fun holiday things planned! This afternoon, I am meeting up with an old friend for...


Friday Favorites!

Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a great week! This week went by fast since we my husband and I were gone for a couple of days for my birthday. I’m still playing catch-up!...
