I can’t believe it has been four months since I wrote a blog post. To tell you the truth, I haven’t really missed it. With everything else going on in my life, I needed every bit of the...
Category: Life
You Achieve What You Believe
The holidays have come and gone, January is in full swing with lots to do and February will be here before we know it. Just writing that sentence make my shoulders tense up. It’s...
Goals for 2016
We took down our tree and decorations yesterday, and I have to say I feel a bit sad (not to mention our house seems a little bare now), because Christmas is all over. We had such...
5 Reasons Why Every Couple Should Take a Kid-Free Vacation
The past two weeks have seemed like a crazy whirlwind…Halloween, my birthday and our 10 year belated anniversary trip in Cabo (just my hubby and me for the first time since we had Mirella!). We...
When Life Gets Busy…
I’m sorry my posts have been hit or miss lately, but life has just been crazy busy the past few weeks. After our roadtrip, life has been non-stop every since (all good things!). Keenan turned five...
Happy 10 Year Anniversary To My Dear Husband!
I can’t believe it has already been 10 years since I married my best friend! It seems like yesterday when we were doing the Lindy hop to “Fever” for our first dance. Where did...
Living Life To The Fullest
I hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day! Mine was bittersweet…my husband surprised me with a delicious picnic at one of my favorite wineries, Holly’s Hill, but on our way home, we found...
How I Find Balance (or not!)
This has been something I have wanted to write about for awhile, but once we got back from the beach, it really hit home. Since having Mirella, I’ve been struggling to find a healthy balance...
A new year is always a good time for change…

With a new year comes the perfect opportunity for change, a fresh start and the chance for renewal. I’ve always loved the beginning of the year because I get excited about all of the...
Year In Review and Goals for 2015

Good things must always come to an end, and today we are back to the grind of preschool and so-called real life. I must admit it feels good to get back to my usual...