
Tagged: Workout

WOD: 8/30/17

Happy Hump Day! I hope everyone is enjoying their week so far and staying cool (if you are in California!). It has been a while since we have done a good tabata skill, so...


WOD: 8/28/17

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend! Today’s skill is all about working on our squats, keeping the torso up (not folding) and going below parallel (hips lower than knees). The objective...


WOD: 8/25/17

Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a great week! For this workout, you will need a partner, so grab a friend and tackle the wod together! If not, you can always half everything and...


WOD: 8/23/17

Happy Hump Day! This workout goes back to my roots…gymnastics! Lots of shoulder work with handstands and wall walks! Enjoy! Warm-up: 10 burpees 10 squat jumps 10 burpees 10 plank updowns Skill: 10 min...


WOD: 8/17/17

Happy Thursday! I hope you enjoy this typical metcon CrossFit workout. If you do it, leave a comment below with your time and how the wod went! Warm-up: shuttle run 100m and skip back...


WOD: 8/15/17

I hope everyone is having a great week so far! I can’t believe school has already started. Where did the Summer go? Anyhow, grab a buddy and do this partner wod together to kick...


WOD: 7/20/17

Warm-up: bear crawl 100m 20 squats 10 push ups 10 hip openers Skill: 10 min EMOM: odd: 10 hang cleans even: 10 front squats WOD: 15 min total: 6 min: burpees -rest 2 min-...


WOD: 7/18/17

How was everyone’s weekend? Our weekend was way too busy with not enough rest! Anyhow, here is a good CrossFit metcon to start out the week… Warm-up: 10 no jump hand release burpees 10...


WOD: 7/12/17

Happy Hump Day! How did wod 7/10/17 go? For today’s skill, we are doing a plank series to work all aspects of the core. For the plank to noses, start in a full plank...


WOD: 7/10/17

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend and happy 4th! We were on vacation last week, so this workout was a good one to get myself back on track! Enjoy! Warm-up: run...
