If you follow me on instagram, you probably saw that I finally perfected my cauliflower pizza crust recipe for our “at home date night” last weekend. I had made a couple of cauliflower crusts in the...
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Juice Plus Vanilla Complete Cinnamon Oat Pancakes

We are big on pancakes in our household, having them at least twice a week and freezing leftovers for quick breakfasts on hectic mornings. I usually make my pancakes with almond or oat flour and...
5 Quick and Easy Healthy Breakfast Ideas (To make mornings less stressful!)

Getting breakfast on the table for my family during the week AND having enough time to eat it myself can be challenging and sometimes stressful (especially with getting everyone dressed and out the door on time)! I...
Easter Shenanigans 2015

Even though yesterday was super-busy, it was a lot of fun. Because Keenan was too excited to sleep in, we started early, with my husband acting as the “Easter Bunny Ninja” so he could hide...
5 New Recipes That I Have Been Making…

Since we were at the beach last week and the week prior I was busy getting ready for our vacation I haven’t developed any new recipes, sorry! However, I have FINALLY been trying some new recipes on my Pinterest board that...
Marvelous Family Beach Vacation!

Don’t you love getting back from a vacation feeling rested and recharged? I felt this way when we got back from the beach this past weekend. It made it so much easier getting “back to the grind.”...
CrossFit Home Wod: Get Ready For Spring!

Being that I’m on vacation this week, I thought it was perfect timing for posting another home CrossFit wod, in fact I’ll be doing it later this week with my husband. You can do this workout...
3 Tips For Working Out On Vacation (Updated from the Archives!)

I’ll be honest with you, I always have the best intentions to workout on vacation, but sometimes it just doesn’t happen. On a regular (non-vacation) basis, I workout before my kids wake up at 5:00 a.m.,...
5 Spring Looks I’m Loving Right Now

Even though it’s hard to find time to go shopping these days with two little ones, I still love to browse my favorite stores online, especially Nordstrom since they offer free shipping. Shopping in...
Roasted Butternut Squash with Apples and Walnuts

Roasted butternut squash is a staple in our house, something we eat once a week during the Fall and Winter, whether as a side dish, thrown onto a salad, made into a soup or...